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Töölaud HD 500, 1200 x 800 mm, tamm
Product code: 1-605-136

Tugev ja stabiilne töölaud kahe reguleeritava H-jalaga. Liimpuit-tammekilbist lauaplaat sobib lihtsamateks paigaldus- või montaažitöödeks. Tugev, löögikindel tammepuidust lauapind on vastupidav.

Kandevõime: 500 kg.
Laua kõrguse reguleerimine: 745...1015 mm.

Lauaplaadi mõõdud: 1200 (L) x 800 (S) x 40 (K) mm.

Product code: 1-605-136
  Delivery time: specified on order 
 WFI - HD 500 assembly manual
 WFI - Product catalogue vol 10

     All prices in euro (EUR), ex VAT.
Freight charges may apply, for additional information see Delivery information .

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Campaign products 
Salt and sand spreader 35L
Salt and sand spreader 35L
Product code: 1970057150
371,- + % VAT
Salt and sand spreader 35L
Salt and sand spreader 35L
Product code: 1970057150
371,- + % VAT
Salt and sand spreader 35L
Salt and sand spreader 35L
Product code: 1970057150
371,- + % VAT
See all campaign products